Monday, July 18, 2011

Herman Cain No Mosques Should be Allowed in America

Herman Cain: People S

hould Have the Right to Ban Synagogues
That would be because observant Jews would want to conduct their affairs in accordance with Talmudic Law.

That sounds really stupid, doesn't it. That, of course, is not what Cain said. What he said was this:
"Let's go back to the fundamental issue that the people are basically saying that they are objecting to," Cain said. "They are objecting to the fact that Islam is both religion and (a) set of laws, Shariah law. That's the difference between any one of our other traditional religions where it's just about religious purposes.

"The people in the community know best. And I happen to side with the people in the community."
Cain is so full of shit. Virtually every religion has a series of codes that devout adherents of that religion will try to live by, For him to pretend otherwise merely shows him to be the sort of asswipe bigot who is firmly at home in the Republican party these days.

Republican Presidential candidate Herman Cain made an appearance on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace this morning and put his candidacy on full display for an electorate/viewing audience very much ready for a candidate to take command of the primary campaign. Opening the interview with a reference to his last appearance where he dropped the ball on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict saying “I’m exercising my right of return to your show.” While obviously scripted – and a little lame – Cain once again demonstrated that he’s a man not only comfortable in his own skin but also humble enough to own his missteps when they befall him.
There was a time not too long ago that Herman Cain was known as the outsider business-executive candidate, the CEO who could fix America with common-sense solutions, just like he did with that gross pizza chain. For whatever reason — perhaps his dwindling poll numbers — Cain has instead decided to increasingly focus his candidacy on outright Islamophobia. In his latest anti-Islam remarks, Cain said on Fox News Sunday that any community has the right to ban mosques because practitioners of Islam inherently seek to (somehow) replace our democratic laws with Sharia. (Sincere question: Has Herman Cain ever even met a Muslim person?) When host Chris Wallace pointed out that, unlike the controversy over the construction of a mosque near ground zero last year, the mosque and Islamic center that Cain opposes in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, is not near hallowed ground, Cain insisted that "to the people in Murfreesboro, it is hallowed ground." Yes ... this is where the, uh, Arby's used to be. We really loved that Arby's.

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